Policy Advocacy
CTI provides a platform for members to use the opportunity to shape up policies that affect their operations
Policy Advocacy
CTI provides a platform for members to use the opportunity to shape up policies that affect their operations through submission of proposals. The association carries out consultations with members through sub-sector meetings and engages the government in active dialogue in order to influence the policy formulation for the benefit of members and the country at large.
Well researched policy position papers especially on issues that affect manufacturing and service industries are prepared and submitted to the government. As part of policy advocacy strategy, CTI works closely with various stakeholders including other business associations. Policy workshops are organized to sensitize members and build consensus on policy positions.
From time to time, CTI conducts surveys, collects data and develops policy papers which advocates for a more conducive business environment in Tanzania. CTI's proposals provide input into the formulation of the National Annual Budget after consultation with members.