CTI and FCC Join Forces to Promote Fair Competition and Protect Tanzanian Industries

On 5th June 2024, the Confederation of Tanzania Industries (CTI) and the Fair Competition Commission (FCC) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to promote mutually beneficial cooperation in the process of implementing the provisions of the Fair Competition Act (Cap 285), Merchandise Marks Act (Cap 85) to ensure sustainable development of Tanzania industries. 

The MoU signing ceremony was held at FCC headquarters at Posta, Dar es Salaam, and attended by representatives from both organizations, who expressed their commitment to fostering a fair and competitive business environment in Tanzania. The agreement outlines areas of collaboration, including information sharing, capacity-building initiatives, and others.

CTI's Executive Director, Mr. Leodegar Tenga, emphasized the importance of this partnership in protecting the interests of local industries and consumers. "This MoU marks a significant step towards creating a level playing field for all businesses operating in Tanzania," he stated

On the other hand, FCC's Director General, Mr. Fredrick Ringo, highlighted the commission's role in promoting fair competition and protecting intellectual property rights. "By working closely with CTI, we can effectively address unfair trade practices and safeguard the integrity of Tanzanian products in the market," he added

The signing of this MoU is expected to strengthen the collaboration between the private sector and regulatory authorities, ultimately contributing to the growth and competitiveness of Tanzania's industrial sector.

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